Feeling lost, lacking clarity and self-worth?

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5 Steps to Developing a Soul-Aligned Life.

  • How to stop the inner critic that says, “I’m not good enough.”

  • How to stop chronic people-pleasing and seeking approval.

  • How to remove guilt and shame and find your inner voice again.

  • How to restore confidence in yourself and your relationships!

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About Me

Hello, Lawrence Touitou, Zen Dad Coach here...

To the world it seemed like I had it all. I graduated with honors in High School. I earned an engennering degree. I was an accomplished marketing professional, I lived abroad in Israel for 5 years where I met my wife and had a son and served in the Israeli Army, I held manager and director roles with Fortune 500’s and earned over $150,000 year, I was the founder and CEO of two startups and had led a very exciting and illustrious life.

I definitely experienced many things. But through it all I felt empty, alone and dissatisfied. I lacked clarity and purpose in life, and I constantly sought the acceptance of others. Eventually this lead to serious health challenges.

After many years of searching, and investing in myself, I came to understand that I suffered from a lack of “soul intimacy”. My inner-child did not feel safe to come out and express itself. And with the right help, I was able to transform that. Today as a certified healer with the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment (Tao Academy), I work with clients to increse awareness, remove hurt and pain and align individuals with their higher selves. Finally, you'll be comfortable in your own skin and be seen for who you really are.

My mission is to awaken humanity to their souls and the infinite potential that lies within each of us.

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